Singing Exam Success!
Congratulations to our students who have recently taken their singing exams. Singing is such a lovely addition to dance training, well done all! A huge thank you to their teachers as well!
Cassidy-Rose M - Grade 1 - High Merit (Teacher - Hayley Clover)
Sophie R- Grade 1 - Distinction (Teacher - Hayley Clover)
Isla M - Grade 1 - Distinction (Teacher - LJ Wrey)
Cassia T - Grade 2- Distinction (Teacher - JJ Eio)
Ayla T- Grade 2 - Distinction (Teacher - JJ Eio)
Megan H - Grade 6 - Distinction (Teacher - Hayey Clover)
Maddie W - Grade 6 - Distinction (Teacher - Hayley Clover)
Orlaith C - Grade 6 - Distinction (Teacher - Hayley Clover)